Tuesday 24 December 2013

Identification of Stereotypes in Teen Films.

Typical stereotypes in a teen movie

Not another teen movie is the perfect example of stereotypical characters in teen films. 

The Definition of the word Stereotypes is : A widely held but fixed and over-simplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.

For example : Blondes are dumb
All pretty popular high school teenagers are cheerleaders
All Smart teenagers are nerds and get bullied  

Here are some High-school Stereotypes from the movie that are commonly used in many teen films. 

The Jock

Jocks are athletic good looking Teenage boys who are at the top of the food chain in High school.
Jocks usually play a sport like football or rugby and hang around with cheerleaders which are there female equivalent.

The Nerd 

The Nerd is usually identified by their physic and clothing , Some classic clothing items that represent nerds are glasses suspenders and high waisted trousers. Nerds are usually very skinny or large, short or tall either way their different to most of the other pupils which makes them a target. 

The Mean Girl

The High school mean girl is superior , she is very attractive and wears the 'cutest' clothes. Some stereotypical mean girls are the ' Dumb cheer-leading Blonde' or the 'rich cunning popular girl' either way they have something in common , they have authority and alot of it and that's hat makes them superior. 

The Side Kick

The sidekick is the High school mean girls biggest fan , she's her 'Best friend', In other words her slave. A side kick obeys everything that a mean girl has instructed her to do and there number one goal is to usually just stay popular. Being a sidekick means you are not allowed to have a mind of your own and your life revolves around the mean girl. A sidekicks physical description is the same as a mean girls but less attractive.

The outsider

The outsider is usually the Kid that has 'abnormal interests ' and is frowned upon by society. There isn't a descriptive look of an outsider their just average. the outsider often gets picked on but isn't a priority target unless they cause attention. The misunderstood socially awkward outsider  is usually  the main character in many films because they are so average, it makes them more interesting and we have to find  out more about them. 

Here is some examples of some High school Stereotypes in Action.

Here is a more 'entertaining' version 

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