Friday 21 February 2014

Can you keep a secret, day one evaluation

Over the holidays we attempted some filming however, as you've seen in my recent BLOG that didn't go so well. So I decided to write up a quick evaluation on the things that went wrong and some improvements for future purposes. 

Time management 
Problem - On the first day of filming half of our group were late so we didn't get any filming done.
Resolution - Planning -  you should always make sure you have planned the journey thoroughly, looking at the best travel times and routes whilst still leaving extra time in case of delays and emergency. 
Problem - The Group is finding it really hard to find days where everybody is available to film because someone has to work, has deadlines or finishes college too late. 
Resolution- to resolve this problem all the group members should work on the production schedule together in advance to identify all the available dates and block out the dates we have decided on in our own diaries. Which minimises stress and everyone rushing at the last minute.
Plan B 
Problem - The  location the group decided on was too far away for many of the members to travel to especially if we needed to film on short notice . 
Resolution -  During the planning stage we should factor in travel, problems with equipment and absence of actors due to illness etc.  The group should always have a second option/back-up plan.


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