Thursday 13 March 2014


In a few hours it will be the deadline for our planning and research blog! So i thought i would bring my posts to a close with one last post going into detail about the final edit.

We commenced editing on tuesday in the morning during our media lesson. The lesson is three hours and little did we know that we would be there for much longer then that. We watched our film and then decided on little things that we thought we could add or change to improve it. The first thing we did was add music as we knew this was something that was left to do. We added intense music to the beginning of our opening to set the scene. We already had the sound of birds in the background, which played during the titles and established the scene of the forest but we knew there was still something more to be added. Maya and Esther searched for tracks while i carried on editing clips to make sure all the cuts were clean and precise. When editing we had several mishaps when clips would go missing in the timeline out of the blue. LUCKILY we noticed this and were able to find out which clips had disappeared by looking at the other saved versions of the project. Yep we saved the project with a whole different bunch of file names on to our video drive for the exact reason that incase something happened to one of the projects we had so many others saved (clever right?). 

When watching our filming opening for a second time the first thing i noticed was that we needed to fix the sound on sound clips as it there were either sounds missing or it was not loud enough. So going through each clip we had to make sure the sound was ok and that the newly added intense sound didn't overpower the dialogue (It did at first but we fixed it!). After this we thought we had finished little did we know that our titles were still out of order and we could add even more sound to build the atmosphere and add suspense. By this time it was about 2pm which was shocking since we had been working on the project since 9am, but once we got this done I can say that the film did look a whole lot better. This is when we got our opening checked and were able to happy dance with the knowledge that WE HAD FINISHED OUR FILM OPENING. From this point it was straight to the big list of groups who had complete there openings and we were able to sign off our group (HURRAHHH).

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