Tuesday 18 March 2014

EVALUATION - Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? 

I have used many different types of technology in the process of filming. Including the equipment such as the JVC camera and the hard drive, along with other digital technology like photoshop, prezi and creative commons. I have learnt how to use this technology efficiently and in the best suitable way. The technologies have helped to make my product look professional and show effort in the work I have put in with my group. I have also learnt new skills and techniques with the digital technology I have used. Here are examples of other technology I have used when making the film opening sequence (even the music I used in this video is from creative commons):

Furthermore, the technologies used have been very useful as they are easy to use and quick to search for, also, the creativity have raised eyebrows (in a good way) when watching our film.

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