Tuesday 18 March 2014

Evaulation Question 4!

Who would be the audience for your media product?

Alot of psychological thrillers are usually rated 15-18 which would younger viewers won't watch it. In fact, young adults (16-24 year olds) are more likely to watch such a film genre as they're able to use their imagination a bit more. It's also usually males who thrillers due to the main character being their "role model" e.g. main character in Disturbia is male.

We then narrowed the audience down and decided that the specific audience member we would like to attract is a 16/17 year old teenage girl. This is because we believe that they would relate to the characters in the movie a little better. In addition, as we have female characters in our film it would attract more female audience members a little more as boys are more into psychological thrillers than girls.
Here is my example of a teenage girl that the movie is targeted at:
(Her Twitter Page)

(Her Pinterest Page)

(Her Facebook Page)

Like with other movies, they like it when the audience is talking about their movie. Especially when it's their target audience.

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