Sunday 2 February 2014


After receiving our individual feedback on our Blog I've decided to re-evaluate myself and make  changes to improve the quality of the Blog. 


Quite good. Some detailed analysis and thoughtful blogging, just a few improvements would help to increase your mark considerably.
- Titles should identify what is in the blog post
-Don't leave posts unfinished. There are lots of posts with unfinished in the title at the moment. Also blog consistently with no big gaps. 
- Presentation needs a bit of jazzing up. There are some nicely detailed text only posts which you could (in future) use ICT to present in a more visually interesting way, incorporating multimedia too. Also consider using a Blogger design template.
- Post extra and individual posts not on the checklist.


After getting my feedback I made the following changes:-

I  changed all of the titles in my Blog posts making them more precise to enable  people to move around the blog as easily as possible.

I am  the biggest critic of my own work,  it was hard for me to take the step of pressing 'publish post'  instead of save,  but I finally took the plunge and started publishing posts.  to make sure my Blog posts were more consistent.  

When I wasn't happy with a post I would publish them with  UNFINISHED in the title which definitely isn't good as this is a professional blog with real viewers.  I have  started working on my time management,  any unfinished posts will stay as drafts for a maximum of two days instead of a week and  no more 'UNFINISHED' posts will  be posted

I've began looking at new websites for multimedia such as GOanimme and storyboard and I've finally got out of my final cut pro comfort zone and started using Camtasia and other editing software.   

The biggest change i made is the visual outcome of the blog.   I gave it some  TLC,  I  created a banner, changed the background colours, played  around with the layout ,font and  added music.

I've been creating a good balance between group,  check-list tasks and additional posts for my individual posts.

Overall I think my feedback was just talking about finding a balance and I'm working on that and improving the quality of the blog along the way!!

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