Monday 3 February 2014

Planned location and location shots

We planned to film out teen film opening in a forest near where i live. Our teen film is going to be a thriller and therefore the forest provides the perfect place for us to have an eerie, intense setting and atmosphere. We decided that in the opening of our film we were going to show someone burying something and therefore we needed a location that wouldn't be busy with people walking around and that would be dark and quiet. Here is a photo of the forest we will be filming in. There is a limited amount of people walking through this path in the forest, while there are also houses nearby meaning we will be able to keep the equipment safe. I have filmed in this location previously with no troubles.

Since it is a teen film opening we also thought that in our opening we could rewind in time and show what happened before this person was burying something in the forest. To attract a teen audience i thought it would be  a good idea to use a location teens could associate with. Therefore to get a few shots of a shopping centre or somewhere like oxford street would be a good idea when rewinding back, to interest our teen audience. For example we are going to use shots of well known stores such as Topshop.

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