Monday 3 February 2014

Risk assessment!

So it's inevitable that when filming something will go wrong...
But we plan to minimise the risks of something going wrong as much as we can! We will do so by making sure that when filming on location i.e. in the forest, we do it at a reasonable hour and stay on the path so as not to get lost. We will make sure the camera has full battery (or bring a spare one!) so as not to die on us in the middle of filming in the middle of the forest (that would be a nightmare). We plan to set each person in our group a job. 

i.e. camerawoman- has to make sure camera is in focus (Had a few disasters with this in the past!) and that we can get the best possible shots for the scene.
Prop manager- takes care of all the props. Make sure we have all the props when arriving and leaving locations and is just basically in charge of the props!
We will each be given an individual task so we can get the most out of filming.

When filming in busy public places the set camerawoman will be in charge of the camera and what happens to it. This way there are no complications and we can get through filming A LOT quicker!

On set is shall be a 

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