Tuesday 18 March 2014

Evaluation question 1

Question : In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Conventions of film openings 

Title's are important !
At the start of a film there are always titles , they may be overlayed on the screen or on a blank screen either way their always there. How people choose to display their titles is up to them it may :

Be designed to fit in with location 



The title's we chose in our short film are simple we used two locations and had alot going on so wanted to  keep our title's simple.

Another important issue with title's is, there's an order! 
There is an order in the way title's should be presented however this order can be changed depending on a few variable's, for example having a big name actor in your film  may mean you push them up a bit or if you have multiple production or distribution companies you would list more than one 

Order of titles:
Production indent
Distribution indent
Distributor in title sequence 
production in title sequence 
Actor 1
Actor 2 
Film title
Actor 3
Actor 4
Actor 5 etc.
Music supervisor 
Music by
Edited by
Production Designer
Director of photography 
Executive Producers 
Written by 

Evaluation Question 1!

Question: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? 

First, lets go through the basic:

Here's a little fun clip which gives the definition of conventions (which I made myself of course , with the help of GoAnimate =D):

What is Conventions? (PART 1) by essiem97 on GoAnimate

Now here are some examples:

Coventions (Part 2) by essiem97 on GoAnimate

Conventions can also be seen within the title sequence (bet you didn't know that)!
It is very important that they do follow a strict order. This is because: 

  • It's an order that's been used in many other films since the early 1980s!
  • The title sequence is used to introduce the MAJOR stars and crew of the film

The following is a step by step title sequence of "Can You Keep A Secret?" which was done on TimeToast:

The most memorable bit of my film opening is probably the last little bit of the shovel coming down onto the camera. The whole burying idea was inspired by the film Crossroads, when the three friends were burying their time capsule:

With the help of some pictures.... CROSSROADS:


Despite sharing the same elements of three friends and burying something, the mise en scene of these scenes are extremely different:

  • "Can You Keep A Secret?" had a more gloomy dark atmosphere.
  • Not much dialogue in "Can You Keep A Secret?" then there was in "Crossroads".
  • "Can You Keep A Secret?" and "Crossroads" both hold three main characters
  • The lighting in "Can You Keep A Secret?" is darker than it is in the "Crossroad" scene (again giving the gloomy effect).
  • The characters clothing are very different; "Can You Keep A Secret?" are wearing more modern pieces of clothing.
  • The camera angle in "Can You Keep A Secret?" is unusual as the characters are looking down whereas in "Crossroads" it is a wide shot of the three friends. 

Evaluation Question 2!

Question: How does your product represent particular social groups?

The following was answred with Prezi

Evaluation: Question 1

Conventions of film openings

This is the order of titles from teen film 'The roommate'. 
The order of titles for our teen film is similar.

 Distribution company
Production company 
 Distribution company
Production company 

The order of titles can vary a little for example if you have a big name actor or actors in your film then their names would go earlier on in the title sequence. Where the title of the film goes can also vary, otherwise everything else stays the same, for example the director is always the last title and company idents first.

Evaluation question 2

Question : How does your media product represent particular social groups

Social representations 

The characters in can you keep a secrete? 

A lot of the characters representations are influenced by mise en scene and one of the most important factors is appearance,ie  costume and make-up. The Characters clothing in our film helped show the representation of the characters, Georgia wore more edgy clothing which showed her powerful personality whilst Kadey wore smarter and dressier clothes which convey her as more of a innocent character and jasmine wore Casual clothes which helped to emphasis her calm persona. 

If my film was a anime this is a rough interpretation of how the characters would look.

Georgia, Kadey, Jasmine 

Comparison to another Teen film

My obsession with grease has finally paid off! Looking at the characters in this short film I can see a lot of similarities between the characters in the 1970's teen film and characters from my modern day film can you keep a secret?   

Use (-) and (+) controls to maximise and minimise the screen.

Comparing the two it appears that  teen social representations haven't changed much in teen film's Just society's opinions.  I think the characters from my teen film and the characters from Grease are really similar.  The reaction to the Grease characters 40 years ago was really negative despite people loving the film.  A lot of people thought the characters were "bad teenagers" because the conventions of the time were stricter In comparison to society today where these teens would be regarded as regular teenagers. I think people have become more understanding throughout the years and have changed alot of their opinions and expectations. 

When I created these characters I didn't intend on trying to represent them in a positive or negative aspect,I just tried to create regular teens which had good and bad qualities. I created normal teenage characters based on peoples interpretations of  teenagers today which are influenced by other teen films and by the  personal opinions of audiences.

Reviewing the film opening i can see how the characters could be interpreted as negative by the audience as they appear to be lying to the authorities in their attempt to cover up a crime 

EVALUATION - Question 1

Q. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenege forms and conventions of real media products? 

EVALUATION - Question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Analysis of feedback:
Our film opening was liked very much in terms of the editing and the characters with different personalities. The characters could be easily related and connected to by others as they are in the same teen age range (16-17) and share similar traits to the audience.

Evaluation Question 3!

Question: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

The following is presented with Sildeshare:

Evaluation: Question 2


We have chosen to represent the characters in our film like a clique. This is conveyed in our film because the characters are always seen together or responding in the same way, showing that they are following each other; a common representation of teens.We conveyed that there is a leader of the group as she is always in between the two characters and represented as the strongest character. As the characters are black or have different ethnicities to a white person this means they fit into a stereotype of being up to no good, this was illustrated through a series of high angle shots showing they had less power during the interrogation scene. They have been represented negatively, which is how they would be represented in real media.

Evaulation Question 4!

Who would be the audience for your media product?

Alot of psychological thrillers are usually rated 15-18 which would younger viewers won't watch it. In fact, young adults (16-24 year olds) are more likely to watch such a film genre as they're able to use their imagination a bit more. It's also usually males who thrillers due to the main character being their "role model" e.g. main character in Disturbia is male.

We then narrowed the audience down and decided that the specific audience member we would like to attract is a 16/17 year old teenage girl. This is because we believe that they would relate to the characters in the movie a little better. In addition, as we have female characters in our film it would attract more female audience members a little more as boys are more into psychological thrillers than girls.
Here is my example of a teenage girl that the movie is targeted at:
(Her Twitter Page)

(Her Pinterest Page)

(Her Facebook Page)

Like with other movies, they like it when the audience is talking about their movie. Especially when it's their target audience.

EVALUATION - Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

  • Production and distribution companies used
  • Discussion on whether they are a bigger company or smaller/independent
  • Why they are suitable for our teen film

Evaluation: Question 3

The gifs from the presentation...

Evaluation: Question 4

The wider audience for teen films are teenagers (13-19 year olds) so we had to bare this in mind when creating our teen film. Teen films are made for teenagers, so they have to relate or be relevant to a teenagers life/lifestyle. Our film is a psychological thriller therefore are target audience is for girls aged 16 who like thrills and are mischievous. The person below is someone that would be part of our target audience because of her age (16) and her interests shown in her bio.

What makes our film unique is that it is thrilling and mysterious. This is what will attract our target audience because teenagers are looking for fun and excitement.

Evaluation Question 5!

Here's a little video of what our (TARGET) audience thought about our movie: 

Another great way of finding out target audience's response to the movie is by making a PROMOTIONAL PACK for the movie! 
This includes:
A Facebook Page
A Twitter Page
A Cinema Poster
A Soundtrack 
A Newspaper Reviews
Some Insight on the Wardrobe

First of all... We have the FACEBOOK PAGE!

Second, the TWITTER PAGE!

(Also made sure to get fans involved too!)

Next, the CINEMA POSTER (very proud of this, I must say)!

NEWSPAPER REVIEWS too (got reach out to the young adults)!

 Putting up SNEAK PEAK videos! 

 Here is the actual video:

Evaluation question 5

Throughout the project of Can you keep a secret we tried to continuously relate  to our target audience. We did research before we started making our film opening to make sure we attracted our target audience.


We advertised our film in a variety of formats to try and appeal to  numerous amount of people

The feedback from our rough cut helped us to decide what needed to be improved in order to make sure that we did attract our target audience. We were required to make our titles more interesting to keep our audience interested as these will be the first thing they see which makes them crucial to the success of our film. We also needed to switch some clips around as some supported others better, for example our opening clip was originally quite shaky so by switching that around with another clip it made our film seem more solid.
Originally second clip but was a lot stronger then the one below so switched to be the opening clip.
 originally first clip but was shaky so switched to second.

We created a poster as it's a informative visual format to present our work.

Social Media
Twitter was our form of social media, we decided to create a twitter page as it's one of the worlds most popular social media sites, a lot of films also promote themselves on twitter.

Private screening for target audience!
We rented out a cinema, filled it with college students and showed them our film opening.
 Here is a Short clip of what happened and the audiences views. 

Here is the Actual Film opening 
As our blog has regular readers I decided to create a survey and poll which  asks our audience questions about what appealed to them in our film.

Can you relate to the characters in can you keep a secret?

To some extent0%
Other: (Please specify)0%

EVALUATION - Question 4

Who would be the target audience for your media product?

People aged 13-24 are the group that usually watch teen movies. Here is a collage of pictures on Pinterest that represent the kind of target audience for our film. 

Our specific audience include teenage girls as the main characters in our thriller are 3 teenage girls aged between 16-17, and from our interviews and feedback we can see that the people interviewed (teeangers) can connect and relate to the girls more so than the other characters (adults). 

 Here are some examples of the audience we target and the sort of interets the teenagers have:

