Thursday 13 March 2014

Changes Between The Rough Cut and Final Production

Once you guys get to see our final production of our teen drama opening, you'll able to see a lot more changes from our rough cut. These include: 

  • No Voice over: Yes, I know. There was no voice over in the rough cut either but if you remember in our pitch we held strong passion towards it. That's because we believed that it would set the scene for our opening scene beautifully. However, once we came to the end of our editing process we though that our piece was very strong without it. In addition, we really didn't know where to put it. (Originally, the voice over was to play throughout the 2 minute scene) 
  • The Interview Scene: An idea that we came up with AFTER the pitch (through the help of feedback and so forth). Yes, this scene is seen in our rough cut but at the time of editing we weren't sure if we were going to keep it in. This is because we had the voice over and we didn't know how the two elements would work together. However, we decided to keep the interview scene in because we thought it told the storyline of the opening scene better. 
  • Sound: A big difference between the rough cut and the final production. Sure we had the use of dialogue but once our teacher saw our rough cut, he insisted it would be best if we added more sound. Especially the type that helped set the scene a little bit better. 
  • Titles Sequence: A big difference too! Of course this needed to be in the final production as it wouldn't be a teen movie opening without them (duh!). In addition, the title sequence did end up taking a lot of time to produce as they weren't in order (kids -__-) and we were adding titles that weren't even needed (sigh). But they're all perfect now! We checked (several times)! 
  • The Split Screen: I have to say, this was one of my favourite changes. In the rough cut when the three characters said the line "I don't know what you're talking about" it was said all one by one. This was slightly taking up too much time of our sequence so we found a way of showing the characters saying the same line in one shot! Obviously this is seen in the final production than in the rough cut. 

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