Tuesday 18 March 2014

Evaluation question 4

free glitter text and family website at FamilyLobby.com

Question : Who would be the audience for your media product ?

General audience

The rating on most horror and psychological thrillers are 15 and if they are really scary an 18, as we intended to make our film really scary it probably meant we would have an age limit on the film meaning the lower end of our target audience would start at 15. Horror is a genre that many people like and has been  huge  for the last eight years so I'd say that our film will appeal to a variety of people from different age groups from young adults (23) to the lower end of middle aged (38), (the older people always try to stay hip) Our film is aimed at both males and females however men are most likely to be interested in the film as there is a social expectation of males to be tougher and not easily scared so they often go to horror films to try and assert their masculinity. 

Narrow Target audience

The narrow target audience of our film would be 16-18, financially they would be the audience to aim our film at as 16 to 18 is when teenagers start working and earning money to have a social life, 16 to 18 year olds are more likely to spend their money at the box office, they have more disposable income and are not so pressured about money as adults.  Another reason why our target audience is 16/17 year olds is because being a little older they would be able to understand and possibly relate to the storyline and characters in the film, unlike 14 to 15 year olds, and they are still young enough to be excited and interested in the storyline rather than looking at the unrealistic flaws like a 19 year old may do. 16 to 17 year olds are probably the age group most influenced by social media and as our distribution company is independent and most of the advertising will be done  through social media we would be able to reach a bigger audience which is beneficial for us. 

Below is a mood board showing you the types of teenage girls and teenage boys that may be interested in our film


ordinary teen guys

Specific Audience Member

There will be a large number of teenagers likely to watch our film however I think most of the teenagers that watch our film will be black as the main characters in our film are black which is unusual for horror film's I designed a narrower profile for one of our more likely consumers, the profile i designed is based on the stereotype of the black teen, she has a 'ghetto' name, Potty mouth and is really in touch with  black culture re tweeting black jokes and following urban celebrities.
I decided to use twitter as it's a large platform where you can post videos, pictures and write random things whilst also following people and Re blog things your interested in,  it's a great way to show a range of things

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