Thursday 13 March 2014

New Skills and Evaluation

Okay, so as I've stated in my previous post throughout this project I've learnt amazing new skills. Now that we've reached the end of the road (notice what I'm doing here ;) ) I thought it's only fair if I showed you (well tell you) these new skills. Here it goes:

  • Able to use blogger: Well that's obvious. Before this I never used  Blogger. However, I did have some experience with using a blog and that was Tumblr. But I don't think posting and liking a whole bunch of pictures is considered as blogging (besides we have instagram for all of that now). Through Blogger I think it's fair to say that I had to learn to express my views through text. At first I thought this would be a little time consuming BUT obviously now I think differently. If you use the right words you'll be able to create a perfect picture (wow, I'm on a roll!) 

  • Able to use equipment: When I mean equipment, I mean the technological stuff. This project has allowed me to get reconnected with the Mac computers. That last time I used it was in year 9 for music... Anyway, I was able to also use a camera! An actual JVC camera, not the ones you use on your phone. Because of this I was able to practise filming with a tripod, fig rig (which is what I prefer personally). I also learnt how important a memory card is; I know this may sound foolish but the amount of times we've forgotten to use a memory card for the still camera is actually ridiculous (the shame =|)! I've also been able to use a top light (which was definitely needed when we shot some scenes in the forest) etc. 

  • Filming: Let me just tell you now, filming is NOT just holding a piece of equipment and pointing it at something. Okay, maybe it is but it comes with skills!  If it really was that easy then everybody would be doing it! Media Studies has obviously taught me a few things when it comes to filming such as the 180 degree rule, no head space etc. The amount of times I've screamed out these rules to my group is just... Embarrassing now. But what can I say? I wanted the whole thing to be perfect. 

  • Different use of software: And boy have I used many! The big one that I've used includes Final Cut Pro (which was obviously used during the production of our swede,our prelims, The Breakfast Club remake, rough cut of our teen movie and obviously the final production of "Can You Keep A Secret?"), Photoshop (which was used to for our movie idents), Motion (again used for our movie idents). But there were also some other IT softwares I used for this very blog. The list is pretty endless but that's what helped to make it so awesome; Glitter Text (to make my post look blinging =D), Make a Gif (still pictures can be so boring sometimes), Prezi (which is what I used to make the presentation for our pitch), StoryBoard That (this was used to create the storyboard for the film), Creative Commons and SoundCloud (used to find legal sounds, awesome sounds too) Youtube (to get awesome trailers and videos), Google (to get some great images), ClipGrab, Camtasia and more... But I can't remember them xP 

  • Editing: This year was the first time I've ever used Final Cut Pro and it's been a battle (hehe). But once I got a hand of things I was able to make title sequence (as you do), use effects such as fade ins and transitions in a clips, how to do a split screen (yeah... I'll NEVER get over that xP), put sound onto a piece of clip, import and export files etc.

  • Working in a team: At times this was awesome because we seemed to get on well... Until there were a few clashes here and there. But because of this, the project has allowed me to be rekindled with an old skill: PATIENCE! And I REALLY did need it. But on a more positive note as were got on so well we were able to come out with similar ideas as we liked the same things, able to rely on each other when it came to group posts and when we were filming etc.

The Evaluation:
I would like to say that things went perfectly well, smoothly. But then I would be lying... However, the things I would like to change is:
  • A trial run to certain software: I still don't know how to master the use of photoshop... But I do now know the basics.
  • Posts blogs more frequently: I know towards the end my posts have become slightly sloppy but that was due to stress and stuff (I'm only human =D )
  • Try new ways of expressing myself: Maybe through personal videos and stuff (though I do take part in some of Lauren's so that's pretty cool!).
  • Try to get my point of view across: Something that I did find difficult with as so many people wanted to be heard.  

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