Tuesday 11 March 2014

Day 3: The End of Editing!

I can't believe I get to report this but... WE FINISHED and we were able to finish a day before our deadline (because we're bosses like that). Never have I seen us to be so determined to finish a task on time but we knew it would be best to get over and done with as soon as possible then get caught up with individuals trying to squeeze their last bits of editing.

But today WAS NOT easy. As we entered the editing room in the beginning of the day we thought that we got everything covered. By, we were wrong. Our main issue that left our piece to be incomplete was both titles and sound. As we had a three hour lesson, we thought that this would be completed in a short period of time.... Lets just say we were wrong about a lot of things today. As my other teammates had lessons to return to after our media one, I volunteered to stay behind. If I didn't then I know for a fact that those mistakes will still be in our opening scene. Ended up staying in that media room from 9:00am to 4:30 pm.... Didn't even consider to eat lunch because I wanted this thing to be PERFECT! And I wasn't going to risk anything.
So the problems that I found were:
  • The Title order and removing tiles that weren't supposed to be there
  • Finding some more sounds to give our opening that eerie feeling we wanted in our film. 
  • Another problem was that sometimes our clip went out of sync (several times Lauren and I had mini heart attacks xP) 

We did manage to get there in the end though, (with the support of both Marissa AND Mary) the feeling was pretty empowering I must say. 

In addition, we also added some extra things to make our film to be a little more out there. One of them being the awesome use of split screen (of our lips.. Oh gosh =\). It did take us some time to master as we've never done it before and faced a few issues (e.g. some pieces of the clips were starting at different times, the clip was out of sync etc) but we go there in the end (we always do!).

And of course the rest of the editing process, included getting all the right clips in order, making our opening scene look pretty decent and so on. I guess you could say we used this time to polish things off and add a few more finishing touches. 

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