Friday 14 March 2014

Working As A Team In The Process

In the process of filming I have learnt that teamwork is a very important thing. At some points I did feel some frustration for example some of us weren't able to join in filming but in the end we managed to get all the filming, editing and blogging up to date. We also decided who did what (e.g. 2 of us editing and 2 of us creating institution idents for the film) and were happy with it.

I liked working as a team very much as each of our ideas were taken into consideration and sharing our thoughts made it all worthwhile. We helped eachother out when needed and we were all very cooperative, sometimes we lacked communication but we have now learnt from that and the trobule it can cause. Our functional skills as a team have developed greatly in this process which has had a positive affect on us individually.

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